Friday, December 5, 2008

ahh...the power of the text message!

Read the following and blog about your thoughts.

Doctor Performs Amputation By Text Message

Peace Corps Online writes "Vascular surgeon David Nott performed a life-saving amputation on a boy in DR Congo following instructions sent my text message from a colleague in London. The boy's left arm had been ripped off and was badly infected and gangrenous, there were just 6in (15cm) of the boy's arm remaining, much of the surrounding muscle had died and there was little skin to fold over the wound. "He had about two or three days to live when I saw him," Nott said. Nott, volunteering in with the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres, knew he needed to perform a forequarter amputation requiring removal of the collar bone and shoulder blade and contacted Professor Meirion Thomas at London's Royal Marsden Hospital, who had performed the operation before. 'I texted him and he texted back step by step instructions on how to do it,' Nott said."


Anonymous said...

I think that this story is really neat because text message is very important in todays society. It's crazy how text messages can help people perform surgery. If the messages were slow it may take longer to relay back to each other.

Brett on December 5, 2008 at 11:13 AM said...

Wow...that's kinda cool! I mean that had to be kinda hard, and the waiting time between each message would have killed me! What if a message hadn't been delivered and the doctor didnt know and moved onto the next step without having the previous

To think I use texting to communicate with my friends and send stupid jokes and I think that's important! Yes jokes are very important but amputations of infected body parts is much more important by far. What's gonna happen next? Are doctors going to do surgeries by texting commands to robots or something?

I guess a text would be better than a conference call or something because you can go back and read through it again if you think you are about make a mistake. With a call you can get very irritated because another doctor might talk to fast or to quiet and you wouldn't be able to understand them.

On the other hand if a doctor uses t9 while text messaging one word might appear to be another and that could interfere with the surgery negatively. I think overall it was really cool and a very innovative way to do the surgery, I would have just called on my cell phone...can you imagine to roaming charges?...sorry I am joking.

Okay so that's about it, that's my thoughts about text message surgery. Oh and just for a little added comedy, when I read the first line "Doctor Performs Amputation By Text Message" I thought it said "Doctor Performs Amputation of Text Message" because I read it too fast, I was wondering how you amputate a text message.

So anyhow bye!! See ya!! I'm out!

Anonymous said...

wow it was a pretty cool news. today we have a lot of technology that transfer the informations rapidly. I think it is really hard to text and help people. actually i think why didn't the doctor use the cell phone to contact each other that's will be more easily than use text. by the way the doctor had already successful by surgery that boy, he is kind of cool.
The boy still survived, God bless you boy..

Anonymous said...

I really liked this story,It just shows how much text messaging really is useful in today's society.

Anonymous said...

Okay I think thats insane. The world today is literally ran by electronics not saying thats a bad thing, but its kinda a scary thought. Just like Brett said what if a text didnt come threw and he skipped a step in surgery which above all shocks me he could have a cell phone in the room with them because in hospitals they make you shut them off at least to the ones I've been too. I do think its a miracle in its self that the procedure went well. I just hope in the future that we have a back up plan in case our technology fails. Way to many people rely on technology just like the other day i heard someone say well the internet is down and i cant read that book,and the teacher said you can use the text book,and they where like oh i guess i could. I was just thinking to my self, what if something happened could we make it without technology for one day in this modern day life...?

Anonymous said...

wow this story is neat!
i agree with brett it would have killed me to just sit there and wait for the text message!

Kimberly on December 5, 2008 at 12:40 PM said...

I think that it is cool that text messaging saved the day.. this time.I don't think people should rely on a text messaging system to always work. The other person may not have any service then you are just wasting time waiting for a response that is not going to come when you could be doing something. I can't even imagine what was going through that guys head! If there were an emergency, my first reaction would be to call for help and not even take the time to text. I do think that it was useful so he could review the text and go step by step. I have mixed feelings about this. Its wonderful and a useful new way to view text messaging but scary to think that soon we could be eliminating calling and we wont hear anyones voice, just read their thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Interesting Very Interesting..... now just think if somebody needed dieing help and your the only one to SAVE them... but you can't cause your in school hmmm..... <---- off topic :P anyways this is cool how a person arm is aputated by text message... but brett is right what if a text never sent?

im sure they sad something like if it recieved or not..

Sutech 911 on December 5, 2008 at 12:47 PM said...

Well it is kinda fascinating that the doctors made that work. I can see where a lot could go wrong there because there would be a delay in sent and received, and in the operating room that delay could be the difference between living and dieing. Also knowing the limited amount of letters that can be put in a text the instructions would have to be short and sweet so both doctors would have to have a lot of experience to get what was going on.

The story doesn't say whether the operation was successful or not, or else my mind is still lost in the abyss and i missed it... SO I hope they were successful!

Anonymous said...

Here is the story of the amputation plus a video..

credits to yahoo.

Anonymous said...

I think its pretty cool that text messaging saved a life. I was just wondering why they didn't just talk on the phone instead. Text messaging is a good way to transfer information quickly and I think they people will continue to find even more unique ways to use it.

Anonymous said...

Well text messaging is cool and all but lets just say that you were suppose to do this before you do that and you missed that step you then your battery dies. Then what are you going to do if you forgot your charger at home. what would you do if that happened in surgery. In surgery you are working on a human being nothing else. It either you know how to do the surgery or not. Well i guess that is my opinion. But i guess if it had to be done right away then you would have to.

well lets just say that you did use text messaging and that you were typing like you normally do and that you thought the guy on the other end knew what you were talking about but he didn't. I mean that you typing as fast as you can but you couldn't and you mispelled words that you didn't have time to.
well just think about it.

Kristin G on December 5, 2008 at 1:32 PM said...

That's so cool. Text messaging really is an efficient form of communication and I don't think many realize this. What a neat story showing this!

Anonymous said...

I like texting because I can use it to tell someone something when I can't talk on the phone or just don't want to. Especially when I'm in one of our surrounding towns that doesn't have enough service to connect a call but your messages will go through.

Anonymous said...

Text messaging has become very popular in our today's society. It is very handy but also very addicting!

Anonymous said...

i think that is a pretty amazing story and that the guy actually did it from text messages.

Anonymous said...

I think that is cool that a doctor saved a kids life through texting.

Anonymous said...

I think this story is amazing! Who knew that texting could help us out so much in our society? Definitely not me, i thought it was important for me to have texting to get a ride out for lunch but it never even occurred to me that you could use texting to perform a surgery or amputation! AMAZING!!

Anonymous said...

Well this is pretty crazy. Texting is very helpful in some cases because if you have it in writing then you can refer back to it rather than a phone call you have to remember. But if your phone died then this wouldn't be so great.......but it didn't so this is really cool story. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened again.

~*~ JaCqUeLiNe ~*~ on December 5, 2008 at 1:41 PM said...

I think this is a really cool story, because they always talk about texting being so horrible and that we shouldn't do it. This story tells you that texting can save your life. They say that texting makes your spelling horrible but if that person who was texting took time to spell out every single word correctly the other person may not have lived. Also texting have that fancy feature of picture messages if they were trying to explain something they could just take a picture if the other person was not comprehending.

Anonymous said...

Wow! If only everybody used text messaging to save lives then, maybe my phone bill wouldn't be so high from all the junk texts. It shows how connected the world is hundreds of years ago it took months to get messages from Congo to London, now its just a few seconds. Next thing ya know someone will be preforming surgery on some one across the globe, its just blows my mind.

Anonymous said...

I think it's just flipping crazy, I would have been so nervous. But it's amazing that you can save a life through text messaging, it's really inspiring! but it's very dangerous too, because there is always that one time when you do a typo and you screw the whole thing up, but in this case it was a miracle!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a very interesting story...It's great to see that not just young people can use technology just as good as us. I like to text because you get to the point quick and don't have to babble on with the person.

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is nuts! I think this is really interesting because a everyone always talks about all the bad things that come out of text messaging, and it just proves there is good uses in texting. I can barely wrap my mind around the fact a step by step "how to do surgery" message could work. And that you would actually attempt the procedure.If something even worse came out of the operation it could of been really bad... but to think it actually worked!

Anonymous said...

That is crazy. A doctor texting to get instructions about amputation a boy arm is amazing. Text messages are quite a big part of our society these days and that doctor just shows how texting could be the different between life and death for someone.

Anonymous said...

I think that a txt message is important because it is such a big deal in todays society. i think waiting for a text is pretty intense in this case..

Anonymous said...

That is really cool! They must have been pretty long texts! I don't think I would ever want a doctor to perform surgery on my when he had to rely on text messages from someone else, but that is still amazing that he was able to do that. It's crazy how cell phones started out to be something some people had in their cars, to something pretty much everyone has including fairly young kids. I think at the time when cell phones were just starting to get popular texting was thought of something extra and unnecessary, but now that people have really gotten used to using their cell phones they started to use text messaging. Texting has become really popular, this story just proves how technology is changing our world!

Anonymous said...

This story is amazing and it just shows the advancement of technology. Like many have said text messaging is an important part of our society today. But many will probably never have to use their messaging in such an emergency. If the man had called his colleague the reception may have been bad and might not have heard him, but you know with texting the message is clear. This is an amazing story.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that we have gotten this far as to how we can preform surgery from text messages now. Yes text messaging is good and it is really bad. I think that now since we have gotten this perfected that it is only time before people are going to figure more out on how to do things.

Anonymous said...

This is an incredible story, but while I was reading it i was wondering, why didn't they just call? Text messaging has become very popular in our society. Most of the time I hear news about someone texting while driving and causing a car accident, or something of that sort. Never before have I heard about text messaging saving a life. Very neat!


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