Thursday, September 18, 2008

DWT? Driving While Texting?

The engineer of the Los Angeles-area train that killed 25 people when it crashed into a freight train Friday was sending text messages while on board, sources close to the crash investigation say. Officials still don't know how close to the moment of the accident the texts were sent.

Read this article and talk about how you feel about this. Remember on your blog posts to use correct spelling, grammar, etc. Don't use Internet, etc, b/c ur, etc......gtg....:)

Have a good weekend.


Kimberly on September 18, 2008 at 12:47 PM said...

I think that this article was very interesting. I do text while I am driving and it has lead to some "close calls." I have actually been in a few accidents where texting is involved with the crash. I think that they were right when they said that people would get better at it. Because if you think about it, when you first get a phone and start texting you are really slow but with time you learn the shortcuts and abbreviations and get faster. A law to ban texting while driving is not going to help anyone, I think. In my opinion, people will do what they want no matter what restrictions there are. It's not like there will be a way for anyone to know if you're texting except for your passengers, but who are they going to tell? I don't think people should text while driving but I know we will.

Anonymous said...

I believe texting while driving can be dangerous. I sometimes text while I am driving and i know that all of my friends do the same. I can see how some people can be distracted while driving and texting at the same time. Its not a huge problem for me because I am not that avid of a texter. There should probably be some sort of measures to keep the roads safer from distracted texters, but realistically it would be a tough thing to enforce.

Anonymous said...

I think that texting while driving is like drinking because it is addicting. I heard about people in accidents that involved texting. Its something that i don't want to get involved in.

Anonymous said...

I also thought the article was interesting, because I have been following the LA train crash. It just shows the dangers of distractions while driving, even if you text fast, there is still a possibility of getting into an accident. I don't text while I drive, but I do occasionally talk on the phone when I'm driving and I think that is hard even though I'm looking at the road, I can't imagine texting. I think they should make it a law to ban texting while driving, but I agree with Kim, how is anyone going to know when you are doing it. I'm pretty sure that talking on the phone is a new law and still you see people on the phones and by what I see cops aren't doing too much to enforce that law, so how will they be able to enforce this one. And I disagree with the comment in the article about how we will get used to texting while driving like we have adjusted to radio tuning, I think that even tuning my radio is still a little difficult to do, but I'm not an experienced driver yet either. But in my opinion there should be a law against texting while driving.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kimberly lol sorry...

but yea this was a interesting topic to read about.. i remember my mom was watching Dr.Phil before i was going to work and they had this same discussion but instead this teenager who was 16 was texting while driving. he failed to stop at a stop sign and hit a little girl on a bike and killed her.

i have to admit i text while i drive.. a lot to tell you the truth but yea they are right you do get used to it. i can text without looking at my phone and pay attention to were am driving. however though i occasionally look at my phone. I've been in a close call before but the dude for some odd reason just decided to slow down for no reason?

I don't think they should put a ban on texting. cause like the article says you will get used to it like tuning in your radio. Like kimberly said to there not going to know that your DWT anyways unless its at night and they see your phone light in your face. but still with some cars and cd players they produce the same light affect. so even if they did came out with the law it will be most likely a secondary law. if its not already. even the seat belt law... they hardly enforce that.. and thank god or i would have more tickets :P even though all mine were just warnings!!

and as for the the tuning of the radio? there making it so you don't have to reach or look down to see what your doing... like the voice command with the new cars. and with the after market cd players some of them are coming with little remotes... and they help a lot lol.

Anonymous said...

This article was very interesting. And the bad thing is. Is that i text while driving knowing that it is dangerous but i have never thought about how dangerous it can actually be. If they do make a law about texting while driving people arent going to listen they will still do.

Anonymous said...

Texting while driving shouldn't be allowed if it is. When you text your not looking at the road and at that moment your vulnerable to being hit.

Anonymous said...

i just started driving like 3 months ago and i crashed on Monday already! it was kind of scary the good thing is that there was no damage or injuries, and i do talk while im driving but with my bluetooth on! i text sometimes but like when there's a red light or at a stop!
and i agree with kimberly making a law that bans you from texting and driving won't help!

Anonymous said...

I think it is stupid to text and drive anyways let alone driving a train!!!!!!!! I think it was a smart call for that engineer to do,but also maybe it wasnt his fault intirely because he couldnt have stopped that fast! Bottom line we shouldnt be texting and driving at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Not a smart call I mean!!!!

Anonymous said...

All i have to say is COME ON PEOPLE use that thing you call a brain and don't text while driving. I mean they might as well say they saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to kill me now. I think we should install signal disrupter's in the cars so people don't get service so they can't text like mindless drivers.

Anonymous said...

I think that texting while driving is dangerous however I do text when I drive. My parents have told me not to. I guess I didn't really think it was that dangerous until I heard about the train accident. If they did ban texting while driving I do think that people will still do it. It would be good if there was a fine for it however, maybe people would think twice before texting while driving.

Anonymous said...

i think this is a major issue with teens today. It is irresponsible when you are paying attention more to your phone than the road. Its even worse than just talking to someone on the phone, because you are physically looking at the phone most of the time. Yes i do i do it sometimes, but i know i can wait till i stop to check the message!

Anonymous said...

Well i do also agree with kim saying that trying to ban a law will not help at all. People will still text and drive. Well the article was interesting. When i do drive, yes i text but i also watch what i am going. I am multi-talented and i can do that kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

I think that the article was interesting and true on many points. With teenagers this is what we all do, we get behind the wheel and the first thing you do is start texting people because your bored. I do text behind the wheel while I'm driving around town, but on trips out of town i usually don't. If you are driving a train or a truck or anything that could cause a lot of harm, more than a pickup or car, I do think that they shouldn't be aloud to have their cell phones. I think that if they make a law to try and abandon cell phones that most kids aren't going to listen. Just like they made the law about seat belts how many teens do you see wearing them. by passing a law it is going to cause teens to text more.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what t say about the article because i don't drive right now and even when i do drive when my dad is with me he won't even let me mess with the radio or touch my cell phone. If anyone calls it when i am driving my dad answers it and tells whoever it is they have to call back later. My dad doesn't text while he is driving either; if someone texts him he hands whoever is in the front with him the phone and tells them to read it to him and then tells them what to say back to the other person. I do think that over time people will get more use to texting and driving the more they do it though.

Anonymous said...

I think this article is very true. I sometimes text while driving and it is definitely a major distractions. No matter how much of a pro you think you are at texting it is never a good idea to combine texting while driving.

Anonymous said...

i have to admit i do txt when i drive and also talk on the phone when i drive. i think that some people who first get a cell phone and dont know how to at all then yeah there is gonna be a couple accidents. i think that maybe there should be a law for new drivers not to be able to. the law that has banned txting on your cell phone, everybody knows that more people are going to do it even though they can get into trouble.

Kristin G on September 19, 2008 at 1:35 PM said...

I agree that it is very dangerous texting while driving, however, I am guilty of doing it like many others. I Rarely text while driving, and never when there are others in the vehicle with me. I think DWT should be a secondary offense. I agree that it's dangerous, but making it a law will not stop people from doing it.

Anonymous said...

There should be no reason that you need to text when you are driving no matter what reason you are distracted no matter how good you are at it. I like Jared's idea of just installing jammers on cars to cancel all service on cell phones.

Brett on September 19, 2008 at 1:40 PM said...

I think that people should not text while they drive, not only is it dangerous, it's not necessary. A text message can wait until you are safely parked or out of your car.

I will admit that I have texted while driving and I know that it is dangerous. The train killed 25 people and that is a very bad crash, it doesn't matter if your text/drive combination kills one or one hundred it's still not worth answering a text message about your favorite color, you won't die by ignoring a forward.

My first "fender bender" was caused because I was sending a text message, luckily for me it was at about three miles an hour and the old lady just laughed and said I knocked rust off of her car.

If you conducted a test of 100 people on cell phone and 100 people texting while driving I bet the texters would more of a threat to their fellow motorists. Talking on your cell phone is bad while driving, but at least you are able to keep your eyes on the road.

There are some people who will claim (i am one of them) they can text while driving because they are so good at using T9 that they don't need to look at the screen, yeah I do that but I will be the first to tell you that it's still not safe because your just going to be reading your text messages reply in the next couple minutes which you can't do with your eyes on the road.

So yeah overall i say that Text messaging while driving is bad and extremely unsafe, but that doesn't mean people will stop, I don't see any sort of slow down in texting any time soon, it's just too convenient of a form of communication!

Anonymous said...

I honestly hate it when people text when they drive because of all the accidents and if I get a text I usually have someone with me so I let them do the texting for me and I think that is the best way to deal with it because I have almost gotten into so many accidents because other people do not know how to drive or they don't even pay attention and it worries me that someday it will be me getting hit the next time by some stupid texting moron driver. Those are my thoughts on DWT: Driving While Texting!!

Anonymous said...

Texting and driving at the same time are obviously not a good mix, but trying to restrict people from doing both at the same time is nearly impossible. Its one of those things that can't be completely enforced; more so a personal choice. I have a hard time stopping myself from texting and driving, and I know a lot of people are the same way.

Anonymous said...

Texting and driving at the same time are obviously not a good mix, but trying to restrict people from doing both at the same time is nearly impossible. Its one of those things that can't be completely enforced; more so a personal choice. I have a hard time stopping myself from texting and driving, and I know a lot of people are the same way.

The Candyman on September 19, 2008 at 1:44 PM said...

I think this is a very big issue, mainly cause i have texted and drove at the same time and noticed that if anyone else was on the road that I might have just hit them, but just like with anything else it will be near impossible to stop and just has hard to enforce.
what i have started doing is either waiting till i stop driving ( in a small town thats easy ) or keep it simple, like; ok, thx, yup, no, lol, or even "im drivin"

Anonymous said...

Driving while texting is probably a dumb idea but everyone does it. I find myself always texting while I'm driving but, I can't help it!! :) I would say that I'm not to bad of a driver anymore when I'm texting because I've adapted to it but, it does distract you so you could potentially put yourself in a dangerous situation. What happened in that train wreck was terrible, and I feel for the families that lost a loved one. I think that banning texting or talking on your phone while driving does nothing because It's a secondary law for people under 18 so its not really that big of a deal to do it.

Anonymous said...

I like this article because it's very true what can happen when texting is involved. I drive all the time texting and maybe almost wreck into someone, but i pay most attention to the road. I think banning texting would be a good thing to secure us from wrecking, but more then likely it won't happen just like we are supposed to wear our seat belts all the time and a lot of us still don't.

Anonymous said...

I think that texting while driving can be pretty dangerous, I do it occasionally but I agree with Kimberly, if they pass a law against it it won't matter. If people want to text while they are driving they are going to do it. No matter what anybody says. I have never been in a crash while people were texting and yes I have had a few "close calls" while the driver was texting but we never crashed. I suppose if they want to pass a law against it to make them feel better they can go for it, but I honestly don't think it will stop anybody from doing it.

Anonymous said...

I don't have texting so it isn't problem for me, but all of my friends do and they text while they drive but that is what passengers are for, to watch the road while the driver does something else!! Haven't you ever heard of "auto pilot"? I guess when I get texting i will probably text when I drive too but not to the extent of doing it while it could put someone else in danger. The no texting while driving law doesn't do any good because people dont obey it anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a important issue. I myself always remind people iam riding with , when they start texting, not to text while they are driving. They always say i usually don't or i'm trying to stop. I makes it sound like an addiction. On the other hand I find myself picking up the phone when it goes off and reading the text, which takes even more of my concentration of the road then actually texting. I agree people will get better at it before they make any more law. Heck by then they just might have a car you just command to text someone. you know next year in japan they are going to release a cell phone that unlocks and starts your car!!! crazy i know!

Anonymous said...

I think that texting while driving is dangerous. I sometime text when I am driving but just short stuff. I think that it's not a good thing to do and it's very unsafe!

Anonymous said...

I catch myself texting all the time while I'm driving, and I don't like it, but I still can't stop. I've heard stories about people dying because they were hit by someone text. I think no matter how many laws, there are to prevent it, it will still happen. Radios distract us, will they take those out of cars? Probably not, it's all up to the person also and their degree of texting ability, I know some people who don't even look at their phones. Plus, making it illegal will cause even more troubles, because people would be trying to hide the phone, and diverting even more attention from the road.

Anonymous said...

that text is kind of calling driving,and it very dangerous so we shouldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

I feel that texting while driving is a big no!...It can be very dangerous and likly to cause wrecks that could be severe. Even if this is a law people will still break it and not think anything of it until something bad happens to them. I have been with people who were too concerned in a texting conversation and we nearly went in the ditch. It was really scary and i just hope that people relize this is very dangerous and needs to be stopped.


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