For this week's blog, I would like to find out your feelings about our proposed laptop program again. Please answer or talk about the following:
1. Would you be willing to pay a rental fee of $25.00 for the use of a laptop for the school year? (You would possibly get back $20.00 if your computer is returned in good shape at the end of the year.)
2. What is your NUMBER ONE CONCERN if we loaned laptops to all students 7-12?
3. Don't forget to place your portfolio folder in my dropbox. BOTH CLASSES MUST DO THIS. For more information on how to do this go to my website and click on the link, "How To Drop Box."
1. No, I would not because i have a computer at home that i could use with internet, and i wouldnt have to worry about breaking it, losing it, or breaking some pointless rule assigned to having one.
2. That they get ruined or lost and then the teachers and adults complain when its there fault for even giving something that expensive to little kids (grades 7-9).
Well i would pay a $25 fee to use the laptops
My number one concern is laptops getting viruses or dropping it.
ashley b.
I think it is a good idea that we pay a 25.00 rental fee to rent the computers and my number 1 concern for giving the laptops to all the kids in the school is that taking pictures of their computers every 60 sec because some of the kids might take advantage of it and go to bad sights.
Id be willing to pay $25 to use the computer for the year. The only concern i had was what if the computer was destroyed or something happened to it and i was wondering if i would have to pay for the whole thing?
I would pay a $25 fee because you will get a$20 dollars back. I think it is a good idea to rent laptops because some of the students don't have internet at home. My number one concern is the laptops getting viruses.
ashley b.
I feel that the rental is a reasonable amount to pay and it may even give students more ambition to take care of the laptops for future use. My major concern is the younger grades not understanding the value of the computer.
i wouldnt pay any money to have one because first of all i dont like macs and plus if their wasnt insurance on them payed buy the school i dont want one becaus eif it breaks im not going to pay for it. my cocern would be them breaking and having to pay for them.
Austin Kallhoff
1. I would indeed be willing to pay $25.00 for the use of a laptop for the year. If I got $20.00 back at the end of the year that would be a good perk but if I didn't I wouldn't get too disappointed.
2. My number one concern for giving laptops to 7-12 graders is minimal. I believe that they are all responsible enough for the computers. Some people might look at the condition of some books that students return (broken binding, etc.) but the difference is, the student can get a new book from a teacher and it will be as though nothing happened to his/her book. If you have a computer with all of your assignments saved on it (and you forget to back up a 15 page English paper) there is much more at stake if you loose or break the computer. I believe that this concept alone will help people take better care of the laptops, the $25.00 deposit will work as a deterrent to anything that may jeopardize their laptops as well. I do have one addition to the $25.00 rental fee however, I think if a student pays the fee then breaks his/her laptop and needs a replacement then they should have to pay an additional $25.00 plus repair costs if the breaking of the first one was exclusively his or her fault.
I know a lot of junior high students that I know will take good care of the laptop (if not better than some high schoolers). So the number one concern I have is...well nothing really.
3. Okay...
i think that the rental fee would be good because the kid would take care of them because they payed the fee to use them and they could get some of there money back when they return them
i dont know becuse yeah some people will be like oh its just 20 bucks, but we can get a lap top from the library for nothin! plus you know those pry dont have internet ne way. idk. i really dont think that the jr high should get them.
No, I wouldn't mind paying the fee because this allows me to have a laptop with me to use for any use basically. Renting the laptop gives us more ownership of it also.
My number one concern is if everyone got a laptop, then many would be ruined. There are too many care free people in this school to let everyone have one.
Yes I would pay it. My greatest concern would be several might get damaged beyond repair.
i would not because i have the internet at home and can use that
i dont think they should be given to the jr. high because i dont think their resposibly enough to take care of an exspencive peice of equitment
I think that the fee is a good idea just as an insurance if something is to happen to your computer.
My Number one concern is that kids will go to crazy extents to steal them and probably get away with it. It will probably end up being a task just to hold on to it
I would pay $25 to use a laptop it beats the $1000 you would have to pay if you got your own! But my only concern would be If I dropped my computer and it was destroyed would I have to pay for the whole computer...I mean accidents do happen!
i would be willing to pay $25 because u would get $20 of it back and it would help for school projects.
my number one concern with getting the laptops is that the underclassmen might break the computers and then it would ruin the privelege
i think that it would be ok if give people laptops. my number one concern is that it might be harder to type. because i tried it, and i can barely type well on those suckers. and thats it
Well I don't really know but I think that maybe I can pay the $25.00 for the laptop for the school year. I dont know about that.
Yes I would pay the 25 dollar fee. The only concern I have about it is that people will probably treat it bad since it is not theirs, such as going to sights that are bad and they will probably get viruses.
Yes I would be willing to pay the $25 for the laptop for the year. My number one concern is what i will have to pay if my laptop is lost or damaged.
1. I would pay the $25 if you got 20 of it back, even though I have a computer at home I would rather pay the rental fee to use a mac.
2. my number one concern would be something happening to the laptop because students don't take care of them.
Well, my family has three computers, and the are all good comuters but i think that we could use a mac in the house because they work so well and it would help me get my home work faster because I usually have to wait for my mom to get home, and type the password in and then i won't really have to worry about having a virus because the work well. there are so many good things about have a mac the only bad thing is that if we do get them it is the irresponsible kids that we would have to worry about but the are usually the ones that don't get their homework and they would must likely use there computers for games and stuff like that, but how many of thoughs kids do you think we have there are alot of people in this school that you would suspect that would do that, but if they play games on it they will still take care of it, because they won't want to destroy there fun. and yeah I would pay twenty-five dollars to use the labtop for the whole year because if i can use a computer for twenty-five dollars for half the year I would b farely happy and get alll my home work done right away.
no, i would not because i rather buy myself a laptop without paying rental fees. and if i drop it then who knows what will happen to how much i would pay if not break it.
i think that the 7-10th graders shouldn't get laptops. specially the 7th and 8th graders. there to immature to have that much responsibility. and my number one concern is people dropping them, breaking it, and geting the stolen.
Yes I would pay the rental fee because I think that $25 is a small amout to pay for the use that someone can get out of them.
My major concern for giving laptops to all grades is that I think the underclassmen might not take very good care of t hem. The older kids I think would do fine but jr.high is kinda iffy to me.
No, because i have a computer at home that I use and i wouldn't worry about breaking it or someone else because if they do them im responsible for it so i dont agree on the $25 fee. And when we are not garenteed our whole $25 back just $20 if its in good shape!
I sopose i would...considering it would be that much easier to take notes in classes. I think that would be fare to pay a retal fee of 25 dollars as long as we get 20 back at the end of the year if the labtop was in good shape.
That they would get ruined or lost.
I think that laptops for everyone is a very, very good idea. It would make homework so much easier, and possibly even fun. Yes i would be willing pay a rental fee of $25.00. If someone doesn't pay the $25.00, do they still get the laptop? My number one concern is that if laptops were given to junior high and underclassmen, they have a higher risk of getting broken as opposed to given just to upperclassmen.
1. Yes, because it's a good idea to have a rental fee incase some of the laptops are broken by students.
2. My number one concern is something happening to the laptop such as viruses or it getting ruined
1. Yes, I would be willing to pay a 25.00 fee. It would be more than worth it, and if you take care of the laptop, it's only 5 dollars. That's like, one time of eating at McDonald's.
2. My number one concern would be people who don't care about anything and just mistreat them.
I would be willling to pay a $25 fee in order use a macbook. I think that it is a good way to make people more responsible when using them. My biggest concern with having them would be whether my classes would utilize them and create assignments that can be completed on them.
1. Yes, I would definitely pay $25 because that really is nothing compared to the whole computer itself. I don't have a nice computer at home and it would be SO helpful to me if I could just have a mac to work on. Paying $25 is a very small price to pay.
2. My number one concern...would be that the handful of ignorant kids in this kid wouldn't take care of it, but those are the kids that say they don't want one, and I think once they realize what a help that laptop would be to them, their mind would change.
1. Yes I would be willing to pay the rental fee. That is nothing compared to the price of buying your own.
2. My number one concern is the computers getting lost or damaged.
1. I would pay a 25 dollar fee...Its a small price to pay I would say!
2. I'd be concerned that someone might steal your computer or something along those lines.
1. I think that having to pay a fee for the lab tops would be like having to pay for the text books we use, why should we have to pay for them so the school can teach us.
2. My number one concern is breaking the lab top and losing it.
I would probably be willing pay that little rent, but i think i'll stick to dell or alienware. my number one concern is that someone will break it where its unfixable, or someone will beable to get around the firewalls and do other stuff.
I would be willing to pay a 25 dollar fee. My only concern would be that people may misuse or damage the computers.
yes i would be willing to pay $25 dollars for the year i think it would be great to have for taking notes and for doing homework. i am excited to get the computers because now i wont have to go to the library to my research and i could the computer to type my research papers. the only problem with getting the computers is i dont think kids are gonna pay attention in class because they will be playing games and stuff like that. i also dont think that the junior high should get them because they arent as responsible as the senior high. what is gonna happen if someone drops it and it breaks are we gonna have to pay for the whole computer of will the school pay for it?
I would be willing to pay 25 dollars for a laptop and i would not worry about breaking or losing it for I take good care of stuff that is very valuable. My only concern is that my brother might do something to it and he is a sophomore and some of those sophomores are so immature that they don't even know what they are even doing.
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