Friday, September 28, 2007

MySpace, Facebook and Cell Phones

For this week's blog, I want you to blog about:

1. Do you use MySpace or Facebook? If you do, do you let your parents see the site?
2. Do you think these sites should be blocked at school? (Why or why not)
3. What is your favorite way to communicate with your friends?
4. Do you think cell phones should be allowed at school? (Why or why not)


Anonymous said...

No i dont think they should be block at school, because i think that is dumb because we let hotmail.


Anonymous said...

no because some of the kids could have inaproprete things on there site and that is not allow in school

Anonymous said...

i dont have any of the face book things or whatever there are called so it dosent matter to me if there are blocked. i dont really no if we should have phones in school but i definatly dont think that we should get suspened for them. i like communicating face to face

Anonymous said...

I do use facebook and I let my family see because I dont have anything to hide. I don't have a my space because I don't like it. I think cell phones are ok in school as long as they stay in the lockers and we can use them before school and after school thats all.

April W

Anonymous said...

i think facebook should be allowed but not myspace, i also think cellphone rules should lesson up, i see not having them in class, but our big bad princapal took mine at lunch when i was calling home for a good reason, so i think we should be able to have them out of class and at lunch but they shoyuld be taken away during class!!

Austin Kallhoff #70

Anonymous said...

I have facebook but not myspace. i guess id let my parents see the site its not like im keeping something hidden on it or something. No i really don't think that the sites should be blocked at school its really no different than hotmail or anything like that. My favorite way of communicating is texting. People are going to have cell phones at school no matter what anyone says or rules are made and they use them during the day to. i see the good and bad points to having them at school but no matter what they will always be there.

Anonymous said...

i think they should have it in school because they just will go home to do it and there is nothing wrong with those websites.

Anonymous said...

No facebook. I dont think that they should be blocked at school, use it in your free time though. Face with face with friends or over the phone. I think cell phones should not be during your classes without permission other they should be aloud.

Anonymous said...

i have both facebook and myspace, and i do let my parents look at it, because i have nothing to hide. i think if hotmail is allowed then i think that these sites should be allowed. i think that cellphones should be allowed in school, but not during class. we should be able to use them during lunch to reach our parents, or contact someone else, but i should be for a good reason. i also think if were out of the building in the parking lot we should be able to use them without them being takin away.

.....Melissa sullivan

Anonymous said...

No I do not think they should block that at school, because some classes allow you to do that and if you have an opportunity to do so, then do it. If they did block that stuff then this really is a prison for kids or teens. I just think it is soo stupid to take away cellphone privlages and stuff only because so many people use then for emergencies or like at lunch to call for a ride and so on and so forth.

April Babutzke

Anonymous said...

no because it is not good because u wouldn't know what that person has on there face book and i think that we should be allowed to have cell phones in school because what if you had an emergency and you had to use it you would get it taken away

Anonymous said...

MySpace, Facebook, Cell Phones...hmmm...I think Cell Phones should be turned off at school (for obvious reasons). MySpace, Facebook, I have both but never use them, I only signed up because my friends said it would be it isn't. MySpace should be blocked at school in my opinion, why? well because you can hardly click around without finding something of a non-school appropriate manner. Besides what good are MySpace and Facebook in school? Why do you need to talk to John Doe from Texas while you are in Science or Barbra Doodles while you are supposed to be researching for English. MySpace and Facebook are good if you have nothing better to but have no practical function in a learning or educational environment.

Also, as a closing statement (I promise), MySpace could be bad as it could start fights or other confrontations among students, if two students have an argument in second period and one of them gets on a computer in third and posts that "So and So" is a selfish little (insert word here) than that person might do something they would regret (from posting a retaliation to actually resorting to physical means of settling the confrontation).

So all in all no, MySpace/Facebook/Beebo/any other one that there is out there should NOT be allowed in school unless somebody can show how it can be used as a viable educational resource!

Thank You...especially if you read it all.

Anonymous said...

yes i have facebook and my parents can see it if they want and i dont think it should be blocked because its a good way to comunicate with people and cell phones should be ok in school because if there is an emergency and we need to get a hold of some one on the outside we would be able to

Anonymous said...

Yes i use facebook and myspace. Ive talked to you on facebook before, remember?? but anyway, i dont think that facebook shouldnt be blocked because its a good way of communication without actually talking to the person.. but i think myspace should be because well basically because myspace has so many things to it then facebook does. and i dont know if cell phones should be allowed in school. i think if they can be, then they should only be used for emergencies. and yes my parents do let me use facebook. and the end

-Trevor Danielson

Anonymous said...

Yes I have a facebook site and my mom has never seen this site. I feel this sites shouldnt be block at school because they are ways to always to communicate with people. I think the best way to communicate with friends is by cell phones. I feel that cell phones should be allowed in school but not in class because I mostly use my phone as a clock during the school hours.

Anonymous said...

I suse myspace and facebook but I dont let my parents see them not that I have bad stuff on their its just they dont really care. I dont think they should be blocked at school they dont block hotmail. My favorite way to communicate would be texting or talkin on the phone. I think cell phones should be allowed at school, alot of people just use them for clocks or to call someone to come get them at lunch or something. The new cell phone policy is going a little overboard if ya ask me!

Anonymous said...

I use facebook and my parents have not seen it. I want them to be unblocked but they should be blocked, because they tend to be a distraction and there is really no reason to use it during school. My favorite way to communicate is by phone. They should be allowed between classes because there is really nothing bad that can be done, they should not be allowed during class because you can use them to cheat and they may be distractions.

Anonymous said...

Well I let my parents look at my websites like facebook and myspace heck my mom has a myspace and facebook so i can't really stop her anyway unless I block her and if I do that she will want to look at it. It doesn't really matter if we are aloud to use cellphones in school because the people I talk to are going to school with me but i do kind of think that we should be abole to use them in emergencies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i have facebook. I think it should be allowed in school because it allows students to communicate. They are also less distracting than things like cell phones. I communicate with friends by using my cell phone a lot though. I think we should be able to use them during lunch because this is our free time and its not like we will do something irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

I use facebook and my parents see it all the time. I think that they should be blocked at school because it has no use except communicate with your classmates and you are at school...My favorite way to communicate with my friends is to just talk to them. they are right there just talk. Yes i think cell phones should be allowed at school, because if there is an emergency you should be able to call right away.. but if you are caught missusing it it should be taken away and the proper punishment should be put on the person

Anonymous said...

I do have a facebook account and NO I don't let my parents see it, it's not that i have anything bad on there, it's just that I dont want them looking at all my comments or pictures or anything. I just think that since it's my facebook, I should be the only one to see it. I dont think that facebook or myspace should be blocked at school because it's a way of communication with other students or in some cases, teachers. I think cell phones should be allowed in school AS LONG AS they're not disrupting a class. If someone was to get caught texting or something during class then I think they should get their cell phone taken away but if their not disrupting anyone or any class, then I think it's fine.

Anonymous said...

I use facebook, and i don't really care if my parents see it because my profile isn't a big secret or anything. i don't think they should be blocked at school becaue we can use our hotmail. my favorite way to commmunicate w/ friends is pry talking to them face to face, or on the internet. i don't think cell phones should be used in classrooms but i thinks its ok in the hallways.

Anonymous said...

I dont really have Myspace or Facebook so I dont really care if you have it in school or not . My favorite way to communicate with my friends is cell phone cause is better and I like to text massage to them so I think that they should aloud to have cell phones again in the school.

Anonymous said...

I don't have face book or my space. I think that cell phones can be allowed on perimes as long as we don't use then in class.

Anonymous said...

I don't use facebook but I think that cell phones should be allowed in school because of emergency reasons

Anonymous said...

yes i use both myspace and facebook and i really don t care if my parents look at either one of them. I don't think hey should be blocked, and i think we should be able to use our cell phones in school not in the classrooms but like at lunch because we aren't learning during the lunch period.

Courtney Selby

Anonymous said...

Yes i do have facebook my parents have seen my page before. I do not have myspace. I don't see the problem with cell phones as long as there not being used in class or going off during class.

Anonymous said...

I don' t really take the time to do facebook and stuff like that but I don't think it should be blocked at school cuz it is just a way to communicate and express. I am for no cell phones on during class, but nailing people in the parking lot during lunch and during dead time in the halls, that seems to harsh to me.

Anonymous said...

No I dont use facebook or myspace, but I don't think that the sites should be blocked. My cell phone is almost attched to me.. so I think that we should be able to use them when we are at school. We shouldn't be able to use them wile the teacher is talking but other wise they should be okay at school. I like to talk to my friends face to face, but I do call, text and use the comp. to talk to them.

Anonymous said...

I use facebook and my dad doesnt look at it, because he's not very tech-savy, but my sisters both look at it. I think people who put inappropriate pictures and things on it are just hurting themselves, because nothing good can come out of that. I do think it should be blocked at school, because if it weren't I think a lot of kids would spend time on it instead of doing homework, I know I would! My favorite way to commmunicate is by text messages, and I DONT think cell phones should be banned in school! If people are worried about students using their phones for cheating, they need to realize that its not as popular to do that as they think. I think there are certain circumstances where a student needs to have their cell phone on them and it is just becoming part of society. They need to be allowed!

Anonymous said...

Yes, i use Facebook alot. My parents haven't seen the site but it would't matter if they did. I really like facebook so of course I don't like it being blocked at school, but at the same time kids probablly would get on the sites when they should be doing other things. However, if your teacher lets you have time to work on homework and you don't have any then I think it should be okay to get on facebook. I would say either facebook or texting is my favorite way to talk to friends. I think cell phones should be allowed if you are calling your parents and you have teacher permission or at lunch.

Anonymous said...

No I dont yes it sould be blocked because people talk about it all the time and always want to use it and it would cause a big problem like never be able to use computers anymore I use cell phones more than anything because i use to chat alot but no i just dont and havent done it in a very long time so i use cell phones alot just not TEXTING i think it dumb.

Cell phones need to be allowed in school again because its a pain not to be able to use them and get in trouble for having them I would like to see and be able to use my cell phone again just don't allow TEXTING EVER AGAIN IN SCHOOL THATS HOW PHONES GOT TAKEN AWAY IN THE FIRST PLACE IS TEXTING!!!!

Anonymous said...

I use Facebook, and Myspace for my music, and my parents do see the site. I don't think they should be blocked if they are regulated. I mean, we have the capacity to see every monitor in the school at one time, so it's obvious if someone is using it. It should be allowed after work is done. My favorite way to communicate with friends would probably be in person, and then, MSN Messenger. I think cell phones shouldn't be allowed in CLASS, but if it's outside of class, I don't see the problem.

Anonymous said...

1. I use facebook. No my my dad doesn't even know how to turn the computer on. my mom doesn't even know what myspace or facebook is.

2. yea and no... Some of the profiles have inapproparaite images and aswell as other things. but there a good way to communicate.

3. i use text messageing on phone and msn.

4. theres some times were its would be nice to have cell phones allowed and there are some reason why there shouldnt't

well say that you forgot to bring your books to school you can call your parents and have them bring your books to school. Maybe theres a emergancy and your parents need to get ahold of you. or vise versa. and when you want to go out to lunch instead of eating t he schools food. i say it would be fine between classes and when the class is not doing anything besides talking. but there are some reasons why phones shouldn't be used. text messaging... each other may result in cheating.

Anonymous said...

Yes i do use Facebook, but not Myspace. I also do let my parents see the site. I do not think these sites should be blocked at school, because someone could store important information on their site, and need to retrieve it for a class. I would rather communicate with friends face-to-face. I don't think that cell phones should be banned in school because if there was a threat or anything along that line, then one could use their cell phone to get ahold of their parents to tell them what is going on.

Anonymous said...

I have a facebook and a myspace but i really don't ever use myspace because i like facebook better. Like a lot of other people said, I don't have anything to hide from my parents so yeah i guess they could look at it if they really wanted to but it's not like I'm like, "Hey mom, come look at 'John Doe from Texas' on facebook!" Regardless, kids are going to figure out how to get past a blocker because they will look at facebook. I'm going to say that no, they shouldn't be blocked, but that's just because I want to look at it.
Cell phones on the other hand...I understand that we can't use them in class but i think it's ridiculous that we can't use them during lunch or in between periods. I got my cell phone taken away when i was OUTSIDE DURING LUNCH! i think that's a little bit uncalled for.

Unknown on October 17, 2007 at 12:58 PM said...

I have a myspace, and my parents will look at it everynow and then, but there is "unaproppriate" stuff on there. but only the video and maybe the browse sections should be blocked. i would rather communicate face to face with the few friends i have, but you shouldn't get in trouble for using them, unless its for cheating or something.

Anonymous said...

No I do not have myspace or facebook, but I do have a similar type account with that sort of site. My parents have not seen the page although it would not bother me if they did. As far as blocking those sites at school, I don't care about facebook, but I enjoy using myspace to stream music when I have time. Other than that I don't really care. I think that cellphone use should be allowed in school, just not during classes.


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